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By also focusing on expanding their portfolio of games through organic and acquisition-related development, Evo may continue to see new game users gravitating towards their product suite potentially driving greater sales. All Evo game presenters and shufflers go through 100+ hours of training within the Evolution Academy program. Since 2016 the online casino market has grown drastically with live and RNG casinos growing at CAGRs of 28. Because NetEnt has a very similar business model to Evo, I believe they will be able to cross-sell the different games to their different customer bases creating synergies moving forward. Because Evo's business model relies mostly on operating expenses with no real cost of goods sold, they operate with 100% gross margins as well. Because of the possibility of market expansion and product development, I believe Evo's revenue will reach EUR 4,619. I believe the valuation multiples I used in my price targets will be supported by potential continuous earnings growth and the further possibility of margin expansion. A pause in newly regulated environments or even a slowdown could inhibit growth expectations and potentially lead to multiple compression for the currently fast-growing business, in my opinion.Competition high quality imitation bagschanel bags for cheap
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