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Now, after a year of testing, the streaming giant has released its new and improved rating system into the wild. Instead of stars, what you'll see if you fire up Netflix today is both a new "thumbs up/down" feature, which lets you rate titles, and a "percent match" score that predicts the shows and movies you'll like based on your taste.
Why the big change?
"That's not the way people are used to using star ratings on e-commerce ratings" Johnson said. Take Amazon, for instance. "In those contexts, those star ratings are an average." People assumed Netflix was the same.
This was a problem because people weren't as motivated to rate titles when they thought they were just a drop in the bucket of all Netflix reviews. They didn't understand that the more they rated, the better the system would be at understanding their tastes. "People don't intuitively think about it that way," Johnson said.
"That simple change led to an over 200% increase" in ratings, Johnson said. The inclusion of a "percent match" number also reinforces the idea that these recommendations are personalized, he added.
rating netflixNetflix/Business Insider
"What we observed was a difference between what [users] say," in terms of ratings, "and what they do," in terms of actually watching. People might rate a guilty-pleasure sitcom low and then keep watching, and watching, and watching.
"What we saw with 'thumbs up' and 'thumbs down' more aligned with what people actually play," Johnson said.
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