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Cancel an order using Amazon Reward Points
I placed an order on something and canceled immediately not realizing that the item wouldn't be in stock in time. I canceled within 5 minutes of placing the order. I used my Amazon Reward Points (From my Amazon Visa usage). I did not get refunded my points. I asked customer service and they said it would take "5 days to get the points back on my card". I kept trying to explain that I wasn't using the rewards card (I cancelled that a long time ago) but just using points linked to my account.
So does this still sound right? Will the points go back to my account?1
I did the same thing this weekend. It takes a few hours but the points will go back to your account eventually.
I had a similar situation, not reward points, but buyers credit from the CC promo they did a few years back. I had to call and pretty much get someone to figure out what I was talking about and they applied it as a new promo credit. So if you did get refund, it might be in the dollar amount equivalent per point.
Otherwise, when they say did I answer all your question or what ever, say "no, I need to talk to someone higher. Transfer me." You'll get bag cyber mondayexact replica bags
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