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high quality imitation bags
Nick (the friend), is the one behind the Inmotion hemp cream products that I've already done a case study on. His client had approached him with $5,000 and wanted him to find products to sell on Amazon, then launch and manage them. I thought this would be a great opportunity to put my case study to work.
For the fall theme, I decided to throw in some themed straws as well. That meant that I had to order another 20,000 of those straws, so, as you probably guessed, it added ANOTHER SKU to my product launch. For those keeping track, that's now 4 new products.
October: 197 units, $3,000
December: 761 units, $5,800 dollars
With the coronavirus pandemic, parties pretty much came to a halt. That caused sales in March and April to drop to only $1,300. However, the latter half of May, sales started picking up again and over $3,000 was sold.
Our gross from October to May, even with the market dying during Covid19, was over $17,000 dollars. Let's not forget that I COMPLETELY missed the rush of the summer of 2019 for these products as well as the August rush. I'll break down the numbers.
1. You do NOT need tons of money to get started selling on Amazon.
8. Ranking during the honeymoon period does not take many promotional units.
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