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If your company wants to buy Google reviews as part of its overall online review management strategy, you have to consider the risks and consequences of doing so. It sounds like a great, cost-effective solution for propelling your company to the top of relevant search results, but it will almost certainly do you more harm than good in the long run. Google has made it clear that review content should reflect a customer's genuine experience at a business location. Review content "should not be posted just to manipulate a place's ratings. Don't post fake content, and don't post content for the same place from multiple accounts." The FTC Will Go After You The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Act was created as a way to protect consumers and punish those who want to buy Google reviews, or fake reviews of any kind. If you get caught using fake or purchased reviews, you'll have to face the consequences from the FTC. In 2019, the FTC placed a $12.8 million fine on a weight loss supplement retailer that used fake Amazon reviews. It's a hefty fee for employing fake reviews, and while you might not pay that same amount if you get caught buying Google reviews, the fine can severely impact the financial health of your company. How to Earn Google Reviews Without Buying Them when and how to ask for reviews For more information, check out: "Google Reviews: The Complete Guide for Businesses." high quality imitation bagsthe tote bag replica
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