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Louis Vuitton doesn't let you sort by price on their website (wondering why), so I literally had to scroll through hundreds of different styles in order to find the most affordable ones. Actually, this particular version of the bag retains all the key features of the original Noé – from the iconic bucket bag shape to the practical drawstring closure. Alma BB ($1,760) The bag currently retails for $1,760 in the PM size and $1,890 in the MM, which is a really good price, especially considering the many occasions the bag can be used for. Media Credit: Fashionphile A true statement piece, the Locky BB combines LV's classic Monogram canvas with Epi leather, while displaying an oversized gold-tone LV padlock at the front. The Louis Vuitton Keepall Bandoulière is going to be your trusty travel companion. Actual prices in boutiques may vary. high quality imitation bagsreplica designer hand bags
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