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The first seven weeks of the 2022 college football regular season are officially in the books. But we have another loaded slate of games on tap for next weekend as conference play continues to heat up around the country. The action gets underway with one game on Wednesday night, followed by two games on Thursday night and two games on Friday night before concluding with a full slate on Saturday to cap off the weekend. The Week 8 lineup features five head-to-head matchups between top-25 teams in the Associated Press Poll, including a top-10 showdown in the Pac-12 between the No. The Big 12 has two top-25 matchups on tap as the No. 6 Alabama Crimson Tide and No. Subscribe to 247Sports YouTube for the latest college football, basketball and recruiting news including live college commitments. Start times and networks subject to change. camera bag cyber mondaybest place to buy replica designer bags
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