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Find out if you qualify for SSDI benefits. Pre-qualify in 60 seconds for up to $3,345 per month and 12 months back pay. In some circumstances, Social Security will consider the income of people living with the SSI recipient when calculating an SSI applicant's countable income. If you live with a spouse who does not receive SSI, part of your spouse's income will be included in your countable income (but you use the couple's federal benefit rate of $1,371 as your income limit rather than the individual income limit). And when a disabled child applies for SSI, Social Security will count some of the parents' income as the child's own (subtracting an allowance for the other children and parents in the family). Social Security does not count all income toward the SSI limit. Examples of non-countable income are the first $20 of most kinds of income you receive in a month, part of your wages (see "Earned Income Exclusion," below), SNAP (food stamps), tax refunds, public benefits based on need, and loans that you have to repay. In addition, Social Security allows you to deduct any impairment-related work expenses (such as the cost of special transportation) from your income. This is how this works. Social Security will disregard the first $20 of income and the first $65 of earned income. If you make $1,600 per month, this would leave $1,515. Then, Social Security would disregard half of the rest of the earnings, leaving $757.50, which is still under the federal SSI rate of $914. However, the $757.50 would be subtracted from the SSI rate, leaving you with a monthly benefit of just $156.50. A couple can generally have about $2,800 in earned monthly income before their SSI check will disappear. And disabled students under 22 can have about $8,950 of their annual incomes deemed not countable. To calculate your countable income, Social Security subtracts amounts that it does not count from your gross (total) income. Then, Social Security subtracts your countable income from the Social Security federal benefit rate ($914) to come up with the amount of your monthly SSI benefit. For more information, see our article on how much SSI pays. State Supplements Rather than trying to figure out how much of your income will be countable or what the SSI income limit is that applies to you, the best thing to do is to ask Social Security or apply for SSI. You can either contact the Social Security field office nearest you or call Social Security at 800-772-1213. high quality imitation bagsbest replica bags online
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