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Brookings Watermark Brookings Watermark Fake news is generated by outlets that masquerade as actual media sites but promulgate false or misleading accounts designed to deceive the public. When these activities move from sporadic and haphazard to organized and systematic efforts, they become disinformation campaigns with the potential to disrupt campaigns and governance in entire countries.[9] A post-election survey of 3,015 American adults suggested that it is difficult for news consumers to distinguish fake from real news. Chris Jackson of Ipsos Public Affairs undertook a survey that found "fake news headlines fool American adults about 75 percent of the time" and "'fake news' was remembered by a significant portion of the electorate and those stories were seen as credible."[14] Another online survey of 1,200 individuals after the election by Hunt Allcott and Matthew Gentzkow found that half of those who saw these fake stories believed their content.[15] 1) One of the most important thing governments around the world can do is to encourage independent, professional journalism. The general public needs reporters who help them make sense of complicated developments and deal with the ever-changing nature of social, economic, and political events. Many areas are going through transformation that I elsewhere have called "megachanges," and these shifts have created enormous anger, anxiety, and confusion.[32] In a time of considerable turmoil, it is vital to have a healthy Fourth Estate that is independent of public authorities. 2) It is important for news organizations to call out fake news and disinformation without legitimizing them. They can do this by relying upon their in-house professionals and well-respected fact-checkers. In order to educate users about news sites that are created to mislead, nonprofit organizations such as Politifact, Factcheck.org, and Snopes judge the accuracy of leader claims and write stories detailing the truth or lack thereof of particular developments. These sources have become a visible part of election campaigns and candidate assessment in the United States and elsewhere. Research by Dartmouth College Professor Brendan Nyhan has found that labeling a Facebook post as "disputed" reduces the percentage of readers believing the false news by 10 percentage points.[33] In addition, Melissa Zimdars, a communication and media professor at Merrimack College, has created a list of 140 websites that use "distorted headlines and decontextualized or dubious information."[34] This helps people track promulgators of false news. 3) Strengthen online accountability through stronger real-name policies and enforcement against fake accounts. Firms can do this through "real-name registration," which is the requirement that internet users have to provide the hosting platform with their true identity. This makes it easier to hold individuals accountable for what they post or disseminate online and also stops people from hiding behind fake names when they make offensive comments or engage in prohibited activities.[45] This is relevant to fake news and misinformation because of the likelihood that people will engage in worse behavior if they believe their actions are anonymous and not likely to be made public. As famed Justice Louis Brandeis long ago observed, "sunshine is said to be the best of disinfectants."[46] It helps to keep people honest and accountable for their public activities. 1) Funding efforts to enhance news literacy should be a high priority for governments. This is especially the case with people who are going online for the first time. For those individuals, it is hard to distinguish false from real news, and they need to learn how to evaluate news sources, not accept at face value everything they see on social media or digital news sites. Helping people become better consumers of online information is crucial as the world moves towards digital immersion. There should be money to support partnerships between journalists, businesses, educational institutions, and nonprofit organizations to encourage news literacy. high quality imitation bagscheap dior bag
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