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Your SSDI monthly benefit will be based on your average covered earnings over a period of time, which is referred to as your average indexed monthly earnings (AIME). The SSA uses these amounts in a formula to determine your primary insurance amount (PIA). This is the basic amount used to establish your benefit. Other Income That May Reduce Your SSDI Payment If you receive other government benefits, your monthly SSDI benefit could be reduced. Sources of income that could affect your payment include: Workers' compensation Public disability benefits Pension based on work not covered by Social Security, such as a government or foreign government pension Once the SSA approves your SSDI application and calculates your monthly benefit, you may be entitled to a back pay award. How many months of payments you will receive will depend on the date you applied for benefits and your disability onset date. If you are applying for SSDI benefits, you need the assistance of a skilled Social Security disability lawyer to get your application approved and receive the benefits you deserve. To schedule a free consultation with a member of our legal team, fill out the online form on this page or call our Roswell office today. high quality imitation bagscheap black crossbody purse
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