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"affordable" is subjective. but! you can secure a bag from an iconic label for a couple of hundred bucks (not chump change exactly but still a pretty friendly entry point when talking about designer accessories). some are unmistakable and splashy, while others are subtly printed-shout-out to our quiet luxury lovers.our top picks: like with fine and demi-fine jewelry, there's also the question of what brand to invest your coins in. people ask whether coach is designer-yes!-and brands like rebecca minkoff, michael kors, tory burch, and kate spade consistently deliver gorgeous designs in the mid price range. ) on the hand, those keen on investing in trendier styles will always love the latest from staud and jacquemus, while mansur gavriel and proenza schouler white label routinely deliver next-level work bags that are worth the splurge. real talk: you might have your sights set on gucci, bottega veneta, saint laurent, or loewe. ready to shop for an affordable designer bag? scroll on for 14 totally worth-it styles. high quality imitation bagschanel denim flap bag
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