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Mar 27, 2017
Five-star online ratings for reviews are common across retail (Amazon, Macy's, Walmart, etc.), but Netflix believes the system is too complicated and biased.
Beyond gaining less feedback, the star system was found to be a poor method of discerning which shows and movies people liked.
Behaving like critics, users tended to rate the quality of a film rather than basing it on their enjoyment. For instance, documentaries would often receive five stars and low-brow comedies three stars, but users watched comedies much more often.
Retailers have tweaked their ratings systems over the years. In 2015, Amazon introduced a new machine-learning platform that gave more weight in star ratings to newer reviews, those from verified purchasers and reviews voted as being helpful.
Lately, a push is being made to make ratings more informative. A Wall Street Journal article from December noted how Target has added descriptors so reviewers can award stars in categories such as "ease of assembly" for furniture or "design" for home decor items.
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Is the five-star ratings system too flawed to be used by retailers as a recommendation engine? What ratings methods do you think work best in producing helpful advice for online shoppers?
Please practice The RetailWire Golden Rule when submitting your comments.
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