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Is There a Way to Fake Fiverr Reviews?
Read on and learn everything you need to know about Fiverr fake reviews.
Fake reviews aren't fake in the traditional sense- buyers need to purchase gigs to leave reviews. What makes reviews fake is the fact that buyers are often being paid by a seller to purchase their gig and leave a review.
So, while fake reviews aren't from bots, fake accounts, etc. they are not organic or genuine. Since this is the case, they can be classified as being fake.
Many sellers do not know that fake reviews exist, let alone the fact that they can be purchased. So, if you are browsing Fiverr, assume the vast majority of the reviews you see are real.
So, if you wish to remain a seller on Fiverr, it is in your best interest not to buy Fiverr reviews. Even if you get away with it for a while, you will eventually get caught and banned.
People on forums will claim that buying reviews works, but these people have a short-term approach to Fiverr. They're trying to make a quick $100, whereas you should be trying to make much more than that. Don't let yourself be trapped by these individuals who do not have your best interest in mind.
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